Saturday, May 4, 2019

Final Thoughts....

My favorite blog post of the year was definitely about my online footprint. It was the first time I looked back on how technology has changed since I was young. It's an eye opening thing to think about. The way I was able to connect new ideas about online privacy and how I used to act when first getting into social media, not only made me laugh but also had a positive impact on my thoughts about my online footprint.

I also enjoyed talking about new technologies. I chose to write on my blog about the tablet, which was great to research because I just recently started using an IPad Pro for a lot of my school work.

Overall, the informartion I was putting on my blog was fun to write, but blogging in general has been difficult, because it is sometimes hard to know what write. Blogging has made me go outside of my comfort zone on sharing my opinion on information.

A lot of times, I would just be at a loss for words because of how shocking some of the information was. Especially with our EOTO presentations, and the TED talks, it's hard to write when you don't know what to think. But they were both really eye-opening things to learn.

I really enjoyed taking this class, and the new perspectives it has given me.

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Final Thoughts....

My favorite blog post of the year was definitely about my online footprint. It was the first time I looked back on how technology has change...