Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Innovation Pros and Cons: The tablet

The world of communication is evolving every day, new technologies change the way we talk, share, and receive information. The first tablet was the Linus Write-Top, which was released in 1987. This tablet had a green screen that detected writing from its special stylus. It was considered to be revolutionary at the time. Being a regular tablet user myself, with the newest IPad pro, the Linus is really intriguing to look at because it is so chunky and basic, which greatly differs from the sleek and fresh design of the IPad.

The line of IPad pros we know now began in 2015, a full 28 years after the release of the first tablet and 22 years after the release of the first ever IPad in 1923. The business insider wrote a very intriguing article about the overall history of tablets, which highlights the surprise in how early they came about, as well as the leap and bounds of innovative progress that has been made to them since.

When I think of how the tablet has changed communication, I very frequently think of an airport. Obviously before the time of smartphones, laptops, and tablets people waiting for a flight would read the paper, or a magazine, or a book. Now a days tablets are increasingly popular for frequent travelers because of their compact size, and full laptop capabilities. A tablet has all or the functions to be able to provide online news papers, books, magazines, movies, television shows, and more.  The large leaps that we've made in technology astound me everyday, and the tablet is only one example!

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