Saturday, May 4, 2019

Final Thoughts....

My favorite blog post of the year was definitely about my online footprint. It was the first time I looked back on how technology has changed since I was young. It's an eye opening thing to think about. The way I was able to connect new ideas about online privacy and how I used to act when first getting into social media, not only made me laugh but also had a positive impact on my thoughts about my online footprint.

I also enjoyed talking about new technologies. I chose to write on my blog about the tablet, which was great to research because I just recently started using an IPad Pro for a lot of my school work.

Overall, the informartion I was putting on my blog was fun to write, but blogging in general has been difficult, because it is sometimes hard to know what write. Blogging has made me go outside of my comfort zone on sharing my opinion on information.

A lot of times, I would just be at a loss for words because of how shocking some of the information was. Especially with our EOTO presentations, and the TED talks, it's hard to write when you don't know what to think. But they were both really eye-opening things to learn.

I really enjoyed taking this class, and the new perspectives it has given me.

Ted Talks

Each of these videos makes you think. While it was alarming to hear about increasing location tracking, and phone surveillance, what impacted me the most, was the idea of an online tattoo.

While some people will tell you its not true, people my age think that when you delete something online it goes away, but it doesn't. Even if you cannot see it anymore, anything you put online is still there.

The TED talk was very right, what you put on the internet os out there forever, it is permanent, just like a tattoo. It really makes me wonder what my internet tattoo would look like. To take the idea a little further, I wonder if my online tattoo is a good one or a bad one. Is it appropriate? Is it messed up? Do I need to fix it?

These are all things that these TED talks have made me consider. It's scary that we don't all know and understand the internet and new technology. How we're being watched, and tracked, and listened to. If there anything I've learned in this class one of the most important would be to watch my online prescience carefully.

Image result for online footprint

Friday, May 3, 2019

Com Law and Literacy

It's not the typical blog post, but I felt the need to talk about how much I enjoyed this class.
Many people talk about how much they dislike Com Law, but this class, while only two credits, was probably my favorite this semester.

The knowledge I gained about modern communication, principals, as well as the history of communication, gave me so much incite about the field I plan to enter. Learning so much about how the Constitution and how a document written so long ago affects our current media, is almost inspiring to me.

It has made me think so much more about what I want to do when I enter the career field.

MIT on Googles Ethics

This has to be one of the best articles i've ever read about ethics. The ironic title is a great prelude to the suggestions they give in the article.

All of the comments in this article tear Googles team apart. Before reading this I wasn't really aware that there were that many issues with the ethics of google, which is shocking since it is such a widely used platform in todays society.

Its rather alarming that so many people can use a social media or information platform and not know what information is being taken or how it being used. Its scary to think that there is so much about us on the internet that we cannot control.

One of my favorites comments was "first acknowledge the elephant in the room: Google's Al principals." I really loved how MIT had no fear absolutely telling Google, which is such a large company, telling them exactly what they're going wrong.

10/10 article, totally recommend reading!

Thursday, May 2, 2019

EOTO presentations

While I thought that the information in my groups presentation was the most shocking, the others groups were also very informative. The presentation that I found the most interesting and informative, was the one on theories. Over-all theories are always very interesting to learn about because they effect everyone, but a lot of the time effects everyone differently. Of all the ones they presented, the Illusory Truth Effect was the most interesting to me.

After listening to the presentation, I wanted to learn more, so I watched this video. What makes this theory so interesting to me is that I can see the impact it has in my life. When you hear something over and over, you really do begin to think it is true. This theory is how rumors are started which is really interesting to me. I see how this effects communications patterns, because this is how "false news" gets spread.

Final Thoughts....

My favorite blog post of the year was definitely about my online footprint. It was the first time I looked back on how technology has change...